10 Must-Have Skills for Every Amazon PPC Specialist

Everything is going digital—from communicating, to working, shopping, and consequently, marketing. Things are much easier to do, now that the world is at the tip of your fingers. But just because you can, doesn’t mean you should. 

Same with Amazon Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising. You can set bids and launch campaigns yourself, but as a seller, shouldn’t your focus be directed instead at scaling your business? Amazon PPC is a highly specialized niche which needs to be navigated by someone with the right skill set—an Amazon PPC Specialist for that matter.

understanding of amazon algorithm

What Makes An Amazon PPC Specialist Stand Out

Of course, you shouldn’t be at all clueless about the ins and outs of Amazon PPC. But it's crucial for your business to have someone who can help you reach your goals faster. And like any other position, an Amazon PPC Specialist should possess skills that are essential (non-negotiable, even) to achieving an efficient PPC marketing strategy. Here are 10 of their must-have skills:

1. Understanding of Amazon Algorithm

  • comprehensive understanding of how the Amazon marketplace operates, including product listings, reviews, and the customer journey in general
  • keeping abreast of updates to Amazon's algorithms and adjusting the approach accordingly

2. Updated with Market Trends

  • keeping up with changes in the industry, seasonality, and market trends that may affect PPC techniques

3. Competitor Analysis

  • the ability to evaluate the tactics of competitors and modify campaigns as necessary

4. Keyword Research Skills

  • the capacity to carry out in-depth keyword research in order to find product-related and highly effective keywords

5. Copywriting Skills

  • creative copywriting skills to produce ad materials that draw in potential buyers

6. Campaign Management Skills

  • developing campaigns and maximize its effectiveness
  • using proven techniques to increase conversions
  • knowing and understanding the impact of ad placements to its performance
  • ability to use retargeting techniques to connect with potential customers  who have previously expressed interest

7. Budget Management Skills

  • properly managing ad spending to optimize return on investment

8. Analytics Tools Proficiency

  • proficiency with the tools available in the Amazon Advertising Console
  • knowledge of third-party tools to gain more in-depth information and analysis

9. A/B Testing Experience

  • expertise in establishing and evaluating A/B tests to maximize ad performance

10. Great Communication Skills

  • ability to effectively communicate with sellers on expectations, challenges, and goals

keyword research skill

What’s in it for Amazon Sellers?

As a seller on the largest online shopping platform in the world, you already have a lot on your plate. And it won’t be taken against you if you seek assistance from Amazon VAs who are trained to do good at what they do. 

In VAA Philippines, for example, VAs are selected for their talents and proven experience. They are then trained continuously to equip them with the right skill set tailor-fitted to the needs of Amazon sellers. If you hire an Amazon PPC Specialist from them, you can confidently focus on executive tasks knowing that the following will be taken cared of:

  • downloading and analyzing search term reports
  • doing manual / software-based keyword research
  • creating and running new campaigns (manual / automated)
  • optimizing bids and calculating ACoS (Advertising Cost of Sales)
  • navigating Seller Central

Operating on a tight budget can pose a domino effect on your business strategy. But if you know the things that matter most in selling, you would see how important it is to delegate critical aspects to the experts. An Amazon PPC Specialist will make your investment on ads worth it.