Amazon or Walmart seller? Schedule a call

How it works

Getting started is simple. In just a few steps, we will match you with your ideal Amazon VA, and you’ll benefit from VAA’s high-quality, specialist Amazon support services according to your needs and budget.

Contact us to set up a consultation with our CEO Gilad Freimann.

With vast experience working with Amazon sellers all over the world, Gilad knows how to match you with your ideal VA, and to advise you about the number of monthly hours that is right for your needs. You’ll also receive expert Amazon seller tips along the way. Even if you are not quite sure how a VA can help your business, or how many hours of VA assistance you require, after your consultation with Gilad, everything will be made clear.

Selecting your VA.

After a thorough assessment of your business and needs, now it’s our turn to select your ideal VA from our expert talent pool. Every Amazon business is different, and the right VA is different too. Your chosen VA will have the skills and personality to best meet the goals of your business. For example, if your main requirement is customer service, we’ll choose a VA who is sociable, service oriented and patient, with the ability to provide the very best service to your customers. If you need assistance with your PPC campaigns, we’ll select for you one of our PPC experts who is highly analytical, and numbers oriented.

Meeting your VA and receiving support.

Now that you’ve been matched with your ideal VA, it’s time to get to know one another. We’re still in the picture, every step of the way, giving you the best tips and guidance about how to get the most from your VA, starting from your introductory phone call, to creating a weekly work schedule and briefing your VA about your business. We’re here to see you off to a smooth and easy start, until you feel confident to fully take the reins.

Start working.

After you’ve briefed your VA and gotten to know one another, it’s time to start delegating and start working. We will continue to enrich the knowledge and skills of your VA with ongoing training and updates about Amazon, so that you are assured the very best VA services at all times. As a valued VAA customer, we are always available to assist you with any issues, questions or changes that may arise. Just reach out!
The VAA Guarantee
At VAA, every Amazon VA is individually selected and trained to ensure the very best virtual assistant services for Amazon sellers. Your VA was specifically chosen as the ideal match for your business and needs. If, for any reason, you are unsatisfied and would prefer to switch to a different VA, we guarantee to reassign a new candidate at no extra cost and no time limit - Your satisfaction is our goal.

Pricing: Customized & Comfortable

Pricing for VA services entails a one-time starter fee and ongoing monthly payments.

The one-time starter fee includes your registration to the VAA community, and  the process of matching you with your ideal VA, who has already undergone our strict selection, testing and training process.

The monthly fee covers your ongoing VA services, and is based on the type of VA you employ, and the number of hours utilized in the given month. VA fees start from as low as $5.50 an hour.

There is no long-term commitment – pay as you go and only for what you need.

For an accurate, customized quote, contact us today.


You can take a VA with a schedule that will best fit your needs. If you are just starting on amazon, you could take a VA for as little as 2H a day.
We will make this work! Our guarantee means you will get a new VA that will better match your standards. No extra payment off course
We got you covered! We keep track of all our VA's working hours. You will only pay for the hours your VA actually worked for you. If a VA takes a day off or is sick, we will refund you for these days in the end of the month.
Yes! We continue to support or VA's throughout the year with on going training and updates about Amazon. Rest assured your VA will be on top of everything that is going on on Amazon
This is why we are here for! Our job is to make sure you get all the support, tips and info you will need in order to have a smooth start with your VA.
You will need to set up a User Permission to your VA, in which you will decide exactly what your VA will be able to view and/or edit. Don't worry, we will guide you through the process step by step.


Amazon seller? Schedule a call