The Rising eCommerce Giant: Walmart and Its Top 5 Advantages for Sellers

The world of eCommerce does not sleep. It’s where possibilities are infinite—like Walmart growing its sales by 43% in 2019 only even though it had already been in existence since 2009. This significant rise in revenues implies Walmart’s active efforts in improving the efficiency of its online selling platform.

And since then, it has continually risen up the ranks.

Now, it’s one of Amazon’s closest competitors. So if you’re a seller, it’s reasonable to contemplate whether to sell in Walmart or not.

It’s a big decision, yes. But to help you out in some way, here are 5 reasons you can consider:

No Additional Seller Fees

For those who do not know yet, this might come as a shock to you, but Walmart sellers do not have to pay monthly fees! 

That’s right. You’ll only have to pay referral fees and fulfillment fees every time you actually sell something. You might think, “Is this possible? Can they really forgo the usual $39.99/month that other selling platforms like Amazon charge?” 

The answer is yes. And there’s no subscription fee either. That means you can readily set up your seller account without having to shed a cent! Now who doesn’t want an expense-free kickstart of their business?

Less Competition

If you’re a seller in today’s online marketplace, your biggest challenge would be the competition among other sellers. And this amplifies if you’re still starting.

Amazon opens its doors to sellers of all levels, even to beginners. The result? A marketplace swamped with around 6.3 million sellers.

This is good news for shoppers as they will have many more options to choose from. But for sellers, it’s a bit frightening. Imagine having to compete for your audience’s attention with thousands of other shops selling the same product as you. 

In Walmart, this wouldn’t be a problem. It is more intentional when it comes to accepting sellers, favoring only more established brands. This is a good thing in the long run because that way, you’ll have fewer competitors. So while it has more stringent business requirements, Walmart offers promising growth afterward.

Hassle-Free Integration

Walmart has invested so much in advanced tools to assist its sellers in their data analytics and inventory management. Partnering with around 50 Solution providers, this marketplace is doing its best to ensure easy and hassle-free integration for sellers like you. These solutions include the following, among others:

  • Product Listing
  • Content Development
  • Order Fulfillment
  • Inventory and Order Management System

So what you think of as a stressful and time-consuming process is actually a no-sweat operation in Walmart.

Walmart Fulfillment Services (WFS)

As a seller, you should just concern yourself with the actual selling. That’s why Walmart launched its WFS (Walmart Fulfillment Services) to provide you with time-saving and cost-efficient benefits such as but not limited to:

  1. Higher Ranking in the Search Results
  2. Increased Visibility and Online Presence
  3. 2-Day Free Shipping
  4. Free Shipping on a Minimum Order of $35

With WFS, you can offload almost 50% of the process of each sale. You can then turn this convenience into something more productive and beneficial for your business.

5. Rapid Sales Growth

It’s impressive how an online sales platform that has been in the business since 2009 can grow its sales by 43% in 2019 alone. To demonstrate how big of a feat that is, in the last quarter of 2019, Walmart’s eCommerce revenue was around $138,800,000,000, or $2,500,000,000 higher than the previous one. 

And it keeps getting better every year. You would expect nothing less from 120,000,000 unique monthly visitors who are Walmart’s potential customers.

In fact, about 17% of existing Amazon sellers who also sell on Walmart make at least $10,000 more monthly revenues on the latter marketplace. At the same time, 5% of existing Amazon sellers are reportedly making at least $50,000 more monthly sales on Walmart.

With Walmart’s plausible progress and strong dedication to eCommerce, it’s hard not to consider joining its circle. For one, it really offers a great opportunity for more growth to sellers.


Embarking on a new business venture is a huge deal. It’s one that requires thorough contemplation and consideration. 

If you think you’ll be having a rough time adjusting to the platform, then worry not. Walmart VAs are there to provide you with professional assistance. You just have to find one that matches your needs. 

Luckily, VAA Philippines has already taken care of the hard part by selecting and pre-training qualified Walmart VAs (Walmart Expert and Walmart PPC Specialist) whom you can readily work with.

Walmart Expert

Walmart Expert VAs are existing Amazon Expert VAs who were given additional extensive training on the important aspects of Walmart. They can help you with the following, among others:

  • Everything an Amazon Expert VA could help you with PLUS
  • Walmart Product Catalog Management
  • Order and Inventory Management
  • Sales Analysis
  • Walmart Fulfillment Services (WFS)
  • Listing Optimization and Product Research 
  • Helium 10, Cerebro, Magnet, Frankenstein, Scribbles

Walmart PPC Specialist

Walmart PPC Specialist VAs were Amazon PPC Specialist VAs first before receiving additional training on Walmart advertising. You can entrust the following technical and operational tasks to them, among others:

  • Everything an Amazon PPC Specialist VA could help you with PLUS
  • Understanding the Walmart Search Algorithm
  • Ad Campaign Setup
  • Determining Bids
  • Monitoring and Reporting
  • PPC Optimization
  • Promotions

Selling in Walmart is worth a try. It will be a huge commitment, but all businesses are, right? So you could either ride with the tide and grow together with Walmart, or you could stay safe but continue to wonder how far higher you could have soared if only you took a leap. 

You decide. And when you have, give VAA a call to see how they can help you.