X Marks the Spot: 10 Boxes to Tick in Choosing the Best Amazon Virtual Assistant

First Things First

Starting an Amazon business is not for everyone. Vision and capital alone cannot guarantee your success in such a crowded marketplace. But with the right team of workers transforming your vision into action and your capital into profit, you might just be the next 8-figure Amazon seller in no time. 

For starters, employing professional help is more of a must than a choice. Thus, the rise in the demand for an Amazon Virtual Assistant (VA). 

Amazon VAs Help Promote Your Business

How so?

In essence, an Amazon VA is an experienced freelancer comprehensively trained in Amazon, possessing various skill sets matching the needs of Amazon sellers. Here are some of the areas covered by the expertise of an Amazon VA:

  • Customer Service
  • Product Listings
  • Inventory Tracking
  • Product Sourcing
  • Competitor Research
  • Handling Refunds & Open Cases

amazon VAS

It’s Ticking Time!

1. Hire from reputable Virtual Assistant agencies.

Some Amazon VAs are independent contractors, meaning, you hire and pay them directly, and personally negotiate your terms and conditions. However, if such VA underperforms, or worse, vanishes like a bubble, who will you hold accountable?

Hiring from an established Virtual Assistant agency, like VAA Philippines, will give you a smoother hiring process. It’s a one-stop-shop for all your Amazon VA needs. And the highlight of this setup? VAA handpicks, trains, and equips their Amazon Virtual Assistant with the latest tools that help you scale your Amazon business. 

2. Previous Work Samples

They say experience is the best teacher—and that might just be true as well with your prospect Amazon VA. Is his performance under previous employers satisfactory to you? If you think they’ll be compatible with your branding, then go.

3. Problem-Solving Skills

Being the business owner/executive, you wouldn’t have time to micro-manage your workers. What’s the point of hiring expert help if you’ll end up spoon feeding every solution to a progress blocker, right? 

To avoid such a situation, set a trial period first to evaluate your Amazon VA’s performance, specifically his/her capability to solve work-related problems. After a reasonable time, you can decide whether or not to keep him/her in the team.

4. Availability

Amazon VAs work remotely at their most conducive time—which is believed to be a productivity booster. However, they most likely have a different timezone than you. So it’s important to inquire first as to their availability, and ensure that they are able to work within your business hours, if need be.

5. Cost and Payment Method

Hiring an Amazon VA is more of an investment than an expense. So make sure you are getting the value of your hard-earned money’s worth. The good thing about VAA Philippines is that you get to pay as you go and only for what you need. Plus, they use very secure 3rd party payment solutions. 

6. Cultural Fit

Most Amazon VAs might be foreign freelancers. So it’s also crucial to take into consideration their understanding of and adaptability to your brand's values, tone, and customer service approach.

7. Knowledge of Amazon Policies

Don’t let an Amazon VA’s exceptional skills overshadow their knowledge and understanding of Amazon's rules and policies. You want to avoid any future violations or account suspensions.

8. Language Proficiency

In a virtual working setup, communication is key. Thus, you have to make sure that your Amazon VA can communicate effectively in language/s relevant to your target audience.

9. Contract & Terms

It’s important to set your terms and conditions before hiring an Amazon VA. This will help you manage your expectations, and at the same time, establish professionalism over both parties.

10. Long-Term Collaboration

While the idea of an Amazon VA is having professional support only whenever you need it, it’s equally advantageous to discuss the possibility of a long-term collaboration. It would save you both time and effort rather than going back to square one every time you hire a new VA.

Once you’ve ticked every box above, you’re a step closer to experiencing relief from wearing too many hats running your Amazon business. The next question is, do you know which kind of Amazon Virtual Assistant your business needs now? Read here to have an idea, or ask VAA Philippines how it works.

It's ticking time