PPC Campaign made easy with Adtomic.

Are your Pay-per-Click (PPC) advertisements on Amazon giving you trouble?

We know that the complexity of setting up an effective strategy and analyzing results has become a seller’s nightmare and we’ve been there! But we just found a gem that turns that nightmare into a sweet dream. 

If you are looking for the ideal solution to boost your ROI, then Helium10’s Adtomic might be the right tool for you, as it is for us and for many other sellers. 


WHAT. Helium10 Adtomic is the first of its kind to help automate your PPC campaigns to increase ROI easily. It delivers multiple new features that help you maximize the return on ad spend, including automated keywords, ad copy, and bid suggestions. It helps sellers to get more leads from your ads by showing them relevant products for sale in the marketplace. This feature works with any type of product or service that has been listed on Amazon.

The difference between Helium10 Adtomic and other PPC platforms is that it gives you more control over your advertising through a feature called Automated Keywords. This allows you to create automated campaigns based on keywords in your database that are relevant to your business or product offering.

WHY. Amazon sellers can now successfully organize their campaigns with the use of Adtomic, an AI-powered advertising solution, which will lead to higher ROAS, lower ACOS, and cheaper advertising costs.

Helium10’s Adtomic unmatched data and AI-driven optimization will enable you to conduct the most intelligent and effective advertising ever.

With the help of this tool, sellers can get insightful information about both organic and paid sales and determine how to make the most of that information.

It's a game changer for serious sellers who want to get more out of their advertising dollars!

Sellers can incorporate the recommendations into your existing campaigns or let the virtual assistant create a completely new campaign for you.

Helium 10 adtomic certified

Our PPC VAs are capable of analyzing data from multiple sources and making use of it to generate optimized ads. It uses this tool learning to identify patterns in how people react to certain types of content, which allows it to customize your ad copy based on what's most likely going to appeal to your audience.

This allows you not only to make more money but also to increase engagement with each individual customer so that they stay loyal customers for longer periods of time.

Campaign builder type

What’s in Adtomic that it is the must-have tool for all beginner and seasoned sellers?

Campaign automation

The tool's main benefit is this. The fact is that we can now put our campaigns on automatic pilot with guarantees of success thanks to its AI.

 Another great aspect of this tool is transparency. It discloses the things it is optimizing. In contrast to other applications with comparable features, we do not need to take a leap of faith in order to use it. If you decide to delay an advertisement or mark a keyword as negative, for instance, you will always explain your reasoning clearly and persuasively.

Let's take a quick look at how Adtomic's automatic campaign creation functions. We have two choices here: the guided mode and the fast or assisted mode.

The Guided mode.

This mode is designed for those managers who are more clear about their objectives and strategy.

 The Fast Mode

This mode is suitable for those who do not have great experience yet in creating campaigns

We can specify three primary goals that will serve as the foundation for the campaign in the fast mode.

Launch - Adjust your bidding for the most visibility and impressions. ideal for fresh items.

 Performance: establishes a constant improvement of those products that have it in terms of ACoS using a bidding system based on this criteria.

Liquidation: If you have excess inventory for any reason, these campaigns can help you sell it quickly and avoid paying costs for freight, storage, and Amazon FBA.

Choosing between keywords automatically promoted or set as negative with automated bid adjustments is then all that is left to do. We established a daily investment cap and a maximum bid level.

5 adtomic advantages

Helium10 Adtomic Advantages

  1. Its automation feature simplifies the process for you. This helps you save time managing all your campaigns.
  2. It is easy to use so that even new sellers will not have a hard time setting up their first ad campaign.
  3. Fit for all types of Amazon sellers, whether newbies or seasoned ones.
  4. Its predefined campaign strategies and templates allow users to create and manage ads depending on their set metrics and goals.
  5. It can store your data for at least 2 years, which is way better than Amazon. By allowing you to go back as far as two years, you can compare and analyze the data and see how your campaigns are doing.

Now that you have a sneak peek of what this tool can do for sellers, let me tell you what and why our PPC VAs are the perfect helping hand you could ask for. Earlier this year, we were selected as one of Helium 10’s trusted partners, and with that partnership, our VAs received first-hand training from Helium 10’s very own Sr. Product Manager, Vince Montero, and that is on top of the current PPC expertise we already vetted on our VAs.

Our VAS are adtomic ready

Want to know more about our PPC VA? Book a free consultation now.